Saturday, November 29, 2008

Is Hollywood Molding our Men?

One of my favorite television shows to watch when I really just want to relax without using my brain is the ABC sitcom, According to Jim. Perhaps it is my long admiration of Courtney-Thorne Smith from her Melrose Place days, or of Kimberly Williams-Paisley as the darling bride in Steve Martin’s Father of the Bride.

Either way, I get a big kick out of the cast and find myself becoming immersed in the comedy of those short 22 minutes. My husband, on the other hand, is not a big fan of my viewing choices. In fact, he often cringes at many sitcoms on air today as they do frequently depict men as the moron of the family instead of the respected head of the household.

There is an interesting article in the Los Angeles Times that examines the changing role of men over the past few decades – in television and in reality. The biggest question asked – What Kind of Example is Hollywood Setting?

Entertainment – especially those options that are provided by Hollywood – influences so much of how we view life now that it often dictates how we should think, feel and believe. What’s worse is that this is often how people in other countries view Americans, judging us by the behavior of characters on television instead of learning about reality.

The biggest question isn’t so much whether or not men should be depicted this way. Instead, it is an examination into the molding of our young boys and evaluating whether or not it is having a negative impact. If it is – what do we do about it? Let me know your thoughts.

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