Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Real Housewife?

OK, so I don't have cable or satellite television. It isn't a money issue - at least not one that you would assume. Yes, we can afford it. No, we don't want to pay for it. So, there are a number of cable or satellite shows that I have never seen. One of these is I believe is called, "Real Housewives"? I may have the title wrong, but I learned that I wasn't really missing much.

Yes, I am a writer by profession and I bring home the bacon right along with my husband. But, I also take care of the house and the kids - in a way, a Housewife.

In my world, I am trying to keep track such things as the kids, if we have enough toilet paper, what I will make for supper, where we are supposed to be and when, if the bills are paid, etc. I think you get the point. I can't remember the last time I got my hair cut and unless I mark it on the calendar, I can't remember when my period should start.

I don't have time for hair extensions, breast enhancements, botox or anything else that will make me more "something" to my husband or anyone else. And, in reality, most of the people I know don't either. Amazingly enough, my husband doesn't mind that I look my age.

Thanks, Bravo! for letting the world know just how fake real American housewives really aren't!

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