Rough housing is an interesting topic of conversation among parents. For some, it is inappropriate to behave in such a way and this type of interaction between parent and child never occurs. For others, it is a great method of bonding between the parent and the child and therefore is an important part of family time.
According to a piece posted on Husbands and Dads, it can be used as a fun way for dads and kids to connect. It can even be healthy, as demonstrated by this excerpt:
"The article that best captured my sentiments was called Roughhousing from Parent Super Site. The author Dr. Ken R. Canfield of the National Center for Fathering said:
'Through this kind of play, your kids learn some of the first lessons about loving authority. According to Jim and Charles Fay, roughhousing teaches your kids that you love them, that you’re strong enough to control them, and that you won’t control them unless it’s necessary. Your kids learn that you’re powerful and kind and gentle at the same time.'"
As twisted as it may sound, putting your child in a mock choke-hold does show dominance and is likely to earn respect. The only problem is that this move takes a different turn as the child gets older and more sophisticated methods – that don’t require physical force or even contact – must be used.
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